Hi! I'm Ida

I am The Nurturing Swede
I grew up in rural Sweden next to my grandparents' farm. My father was Canadian but followed my Swedish mother to her home raising me and my little sister to be Swedish but as I graduated high school, I was called to Canada to begin a new life.
This journey I’m on, it has had its ups and downs. For a long time, for many many years, I considered myself broken, depressed, anxious and overwhelmed. I fought the belief that I needed medication, but succumbed to the idea that I would be better off with pills to numb what was coursing through me.
In 2013, I met my first Reiki Teacher and my journey began. It changed my life, it opened something in me that had been dormant but needed to breathe and shine through. It allowed me to acknowledge that I was instead whole and rather than being numb and cut off from everything and everyone, I now had the ability to connect energetically with humans, animals and nature. Reiki is teaching me to live more joyfully, to share my knowledge and energy with others and hope to inspire and support those who need it.
I am here to support you in your healing journey, helping you overcome stress, anxiety, and tension, while encouraging deep relaxation, drastically improving your mood and energy levels. We will discover your own place of balance, peace and ease. If you feel burnt out, overwhelmed or anxious, I will help you get to a place of fulfillment, joy and happiness.
Yours in Healing
Healing Sessions
Reiki Healing Session
Are you feeling Happy, Healthy, Positive, Motivated?
If not…
Try Reiki and see how you feel!
Our lives are full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, demands with work, finances, relationships and family. For many, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. In small doses, stress can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. Beyond a certain point, however, stress stops assisting and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships and your quality of life.
Reiki works by rebalancing the body’s energy flow; it removes negative energy blockages within the body which may have been built up for years, resulting in physical pain, stress, insomnia, emotional worries and an inability to move forward.
A Reiki treatment will leave you feeling re-energised, revitalised and re-motivated.
Healing Circles
What are Healing Circles?
Healing Circles allow us to step out of our ordinary time, our daily routine and struggles, into a safe and accepting environment where we can explore our own healing and with open hearts, access our own inner guidance to understand where the greatest healing can occur – in body, mind, spirit and emotion.
The Circle is an invitation to to discover a deeper way of being together, protected by agreements to ensure privacy and sacred belonging.
Healing Circles helps us become more aware of how we communicate with others and these practices help us to be kinder and more respectful of each other and ourselves.
This is a place where we share, without judgement and without fear. We allow what we need to come forward, knowing that our words are held with respect and with the understanding that it does not leave the circle.
Interested in learning more? Please contact me for more information and dates.